Journeying Towards Hope and Healing
Our Approach
Journeys Soul Care offers a form of integrative and trauma informed care that engages the deepest longings and heartaches of each person. We integrate God’s story of redemption as laid out in the bible with modern psychology, and trauma-informed counseling skills. We approach each person we engage with great honor, curiosity, and hope. We believe that each of us are somewhere on the journey in our individual story of stumbling towards grace and growth. We have the honor and privilege of joining a few people on their journey towards healing, hope, and wholeness. As each person we engage with has a different felt burden, story, spiritual need, or place they need guidance, we seek to be present to what feels the most important. We join you on your journey towards the change, healing, and hope you long for so deeply.
Our Offerings
Care and Storywork Coaching for Individuals and Couples
Mediation & Conflict Resolution for Individuals and Teams
Speaking Engagements
Group Facilitation and Care